Compound Words for Kids (Free Printable List)
Learn the basics of compound words, then teach them to your children with kid-friendly lists and engaging activities.
From breakfast to bedtime, compound words popup frequently. Compound words are two smaller words combined to form a single word with a new meaning. For example, the word sunflower comes from the words sun and flower.
Learning compound words can help build decoding skills, as children work to identify the smaller words within each compound word. They also provide a great way to expand a child’s vocabulary by teaching them how two smaller words come together to form a new, meaningful word.
Additionally, learning compound words can also help children recognize and infer the meanings of these new, bigger words, as they use their understanding of smaller words to deduce the meaning of the compound word. For example, when a child first sees the word birdhouse, they can use their knowledge of the words bird and house to infer that a birdhouse is a “house for birds.”
What Are Compound Words?
Compound words are created when two smaller, standalone words are joined together to form a single word with its own unique meaning. For example:
- basket + ball = basketball
- rain + coat = raincoat
The key to compound words is that the new word typically retains some relationship to the meanings of its individual parts but forms a whole new idea.
There are three different types of compound words:
1. Closed Compound Words:
These compound words are written as one continuous word, with no spaces or hyphens. They are the most common type of compound word.
- inside
- herself
- sunflower
- notebook
2. Open Compound Words:
Open compound words are written as two separate words, but when used together, they convey a single idea or concept. Unlike closed compound words, the two parts remain separated by a space but work together to form one meaning.
- ice cream
- post office
- hot dog
- high school
3. Hyphenated Compound Words:
Hyphenated compound words use a hyphen to link the two parts of the word. Hyphens are often used to clarify the meaning or to show that the two words are connected but not fully combined into one. Hyphenated compound words are often used when the word combination could otherwise be confusing or when certain grammatical rules apply.
- mother-in-law
- well-being
- long-term
- merry-go-round
Understanding these different types of compound words helps children recognize how language can be flexible and how simple words can come together to transform into an entirely new word with a different unique meaning.
Pair our lists of compound words with these compound words worksheets to boost your child’s understanding of these new types of words.
Lists of Compound Words
When working with these lists of compound words, please be mindful of your child’s learning level. Some of these words may be too long and complex for young children. However, you can still explore the concept of compound words by working with your child to break the bigger words apart into smaller words that they may recognize.
Common Compound Words:
This list features common compound words your child may encounter. These words are often used in children’s books and everyday language, making them a good starting point for teaching compound words.
afternoon | airport | anybody | anything |
anywhere | basketball | bedroom | classroom |
driveway | everyone | everything | football |
hallway | herself | himself | inside |
newspaper | nobody | outside | rainbow |
someone | something | sometimes | somewhere |
sunshine |
List of Compound Words A-Z
The lists include closed, open, and hyphenated compound words for each letter of the alphabet. Use these lists to bolster your child’s understanding of compound words or as tool for growing their vocabulary or practicing spelling skills.
Letter A Compound Words
Closed: | ||||
afternoon | afterthought | airbag | aircraft | airline |
airport | airspace | airtight | anyone | anytime |
anything | anywhere | armchair | armpit | arrowhead |
Open: | ||||
action hero | air conditioner | air quality | air traffic | alarm clock |
animal shelter | apple pie | art gallery | auto shop | award ceremony |
amusement park | ankle bracelet | apple tree |
Hyphenated: | ||||
able-bodied | air-dry | all-inclusive | anti-aging | anti-inflammatory |
anti-slip | award-winning | age-old |
Letter B Compound Words
Closed: | ||||
backbone | backfire | background | backpack | backstroke |
ballroom | baseball | basketball | bathrobe | bathroom |
bedspread | bedroom | beehive | beeline | birdhouse |
birthday | blackboard | bloodhound | bluebird | bookshelf |
Open: | ||||
baby shower | bank account | barber shop | batting average | beauty salon |
bedroom set | birth certificate | blood pressure | book club | book report |
box office | bowling alley | brand name | bus stop | business card |
butter knife |
Hyphenated: | ||||
back-and-forth | back-to-back | best-selling | blue-green | brick-and-mortar |
brother-in-law |
Letter C Compound Words
Closed: | ||||
campfire | cardboard | catfish | cheesecake | classroom |
clockwork | cornmeal | courtyard | cupcake | cutthroat |
countdown | crosswalk | courthouse | cashback | carpool |
cookbook | campsite | countryside | cupholder |
Open: | ||||
cell phone | cherry pie | chicken soup | child care | climate change |
coffee maker | common sense | credit card | cotton candy | crab cake |
cutting board |
Hyphenated | ||||
co-author | co-worker | check-in | check-up | clean-cut |
close-up | crowd-pleaser | cutting-edge |
Letter D Compound Words
Closed: | ||||
daybreak | daylight | daydream | deadbolt | deadline |
downtown | driveway | driftwood | doorbell | doorknob |
doghouse | doughnut | download | downpour | downstairs |
drawback | drugstore | drumstick |
Open: | ||||
dead end | dance class | day care | decision making | dining room |
distance learning | dog park | dining table | doctor’s office |
Hyphenated: | ||||
day-to-day | daughter-in-law | deep-fried | deep-sea | down-to-earth |
dry-clean | duty-free |
Letter E Compound Words
Closed: | ||||
eardrum | earphone | earthquake | earmark | earring |
earthworm | eggplant | elsewhere | endpoint | everyone |
everything | eyebrow | eyesight | eyeball | evergreen |
everyday | everywhere |
Open: | ||||
egg roll | electric car | emergency room | energy drink | engine oil |
eye contact | eye doctor | eye shadow |
Hyphenated: | ||||
e-book | eight-legged | eighty-four | earth-friendly | eco-conscious |
empty-handed |
Letter F Compound Words
Closed: | ||||
farmyard | fireball | firefly | fireman | fireplace |
fireproof | fishbowl | fishhook | fisherman | flagpole |
flatfoot | football | footprint | forehead | freeway |
frostbite | fruitcake | fullback | fundraise |
Open: | ||||
fact check | family room | family tree | fast food | feather bed |
field trip | filing cabinet | fire drill | fire escape | fire station |
first aid | first place | food chain | football field | front door |
full moon |
Hyphenated: | ||||
far-reaching | father-in-law | fire-resistant | full-time | follow-up |
four-letter-word | freeze-dried | front-runner | full-length |
Letter G Compound Words
Closed: | ||||
gearbox | gatekeeper | ghostwriter | gingerbread | girlfriend |
goldfish | grasshopper | greenhouse | groundhog | guideline |
gridlock | grownup | getaway |
Open: | ||||
game plan | gas station | general store | gift card | goal line |
golf course | grade point | grain elevator | grand piano | grass seed |
grocery store | ground beef | guard dog | guest list | guitar case |
Hyphenated: | ||||
get-together | good-natured | goal-oriented | grass-fed | great-grandfather |
great-grandmother | gas-powered |
Letter H Christmas Words
Closed: | ||||
hairbrush | hairline | hairpin | handbook | handout |
handshake | hardwood | headband | headlamp | headache |
headphone | heartache | heartbeat | homework | houseboat |
Open: | ||||
hand cream | hand sanitizer | health care | heat wave | high chair |
high school | history lesson | home run | honey bee | hot dog |
hot water | human being |
Hyphenated: | ||||
hand-me-down | hard-working | high-tech | high-risk | high-speed |
half-hearted | home-grown | heavy-duty | heart-to-heart |
Letter I compound Words
Closed: | ||||
iceberg | icebox | icebreaker | inboard | income |
indoors | inland | input | inside | insight |
interchange | interlock | into |
Open: | ||||
ice cream | ice cube | ice skate | iron ore | identity card |
ice pack | instant message | ink pen | interview question |
Hyphenated: | ||||
ice-cold | in-depth | in-flight | in-house |
Letter J Compound Words
Closed: | ||||
jawbone | jaybird | jellybean | jellyfish | jetlag |
jetliner | jigsaw | jumpstart | junkyard | jackpot |
jackhammer | jackrabbit |
Open: | ||||
jam session | jet engine | job interview | job offer | jogging track |
jury duty | jump rope | junk food | jungle gym | junior high |
junk mail |
Hyphenated: | ||||
jack-of-all-trades | jam-packed | job-related | joy-riding | jump-start |
jet-black | jack-in-the-box |
Letter K Compound Words
Closed: | ||||
keyboard | keycard | keyhole | kickball | kickboxing |
kickoff | kingfisher | kneecap |
Open: | ||||
kennel club | key word | kick stand | kindergarten class | king cobra |
king crab | kitchen counter | kitchen sink |
Hyphenated: | ||||
kick-start | kid-friendly | king-size | knee-deep | know-it-all |
knee-high |
Letter L Compound Words
Closed: | ||||
ladybug | landfill | landmark | landslide | laptop |
lighthouse | lifeboat | lifeguard | lifejacket | lifetime |
lightweight | limelight | livestock | lockbox | locksmith |
lookout |
Open: | ||||
landing gear | language arts | laser beam | lawn chair | lawn mower |
learning curve | leather jacket | lemon juice | library card | life insurance |
life preserver | light bulb | living room | log cabin |
Hyphenated: | ||||
large-scale | last-minute | left-handed | life-changing | life-size |
light-hearted | long-distance | long-term |
Letter M Compound Words
Closed: | ||||
mailbox | mainland | makeup | mankind | manmade |
masterpiece | meantime | meatball | meatloaf | milkshake |
milestone | moonlight | motorbike | mountaintop | mousetrap |
moviegoer | mudslide |
Open: | ||||
magic | marvel | memory | merry | mistletoe |
mittens | moment | music |
Hyphenated: | ||||
make-believe | mass-produced | mother-in-law | mind-blowing | merry-go-round |
Letter N Compound Words
namesake | nearby | necktie | newborn | newspaper |
nightfall | nightgown | nightmare | nightshade | nightstand |
noisemaker | notebook | noteworthy | nutshell | network |
Open: | ||||
nail polish | name tag | national anthem | national park | nature reserve |
needle point | news report | night light | night shift | note card |
number line |
Hyphenated: | ||
nail-biting | near-sighted | no-brainer |
Letter O Compound Words
Closed: | ||||
oatmeal | offshore | oncoming | outcome | outdoor |
outfield | outfit | outgrow | outline | outlive |
outnumber | output | outwit |
Open: | ||||
oak tree | oil change | oil painting | olive oil | open house |
orange juice | outer space |
Hyphenated: | ||||
off-road | one-sided | open-minded | out-of-date |
Letter P Christmas Words
Closed: | ||||
pancake | paperwork | pathway | playbook | playground |
popcorn | postcard | postman | password | paperback |
peanut | ponytail |
Open: | ||||
packing list | page number | paint brush | parking lot | party favor |
peanut butter | pen pal | pencil case | phone call | photo album |
picture frame | police officer |
Hyphenated: | |
part-time | passer-by |
Letter Q Compound Words
Closed: | |||
quarterback | quicksand | quicksilver | quickstep |
Open: | ||||
quality control | quarter note | queen bee | question mark | quotation mark |
Hyphenated: | |||
queen-sized | quick-witted | quick-thinking | question-and-answer |
Letter R Compound Words
Closed: | ||||
raincoat | rainbow | raindrop | railroad | rainstorm |
rainwater | rattlesnake | racehorse | racecar | redhead |
ringside | roadway | rowboat | runway |
Open: | ||||
radio station | rail line | rain check | rain cloud | reading glasses |
real estate | relay race | remote control | river bank |
Hyphenated: | ||||
rain-soaked | record-breaking | round-trip | runner-up | risk-taking |
Letter S Compound Words
Closed: | ||||
sandpaper | sandbox | sandstorm | sailboat | scarecrow |
schoolhouse | schoolwork | screwdriver | seafood | seashore |
seashell | seatbelt | sidekick | sidewalk | signpost |
skyscraper | snowball | snowflake | snowman | stopwatch |
Open: | ||||
safety pin | salad dressing | salt water | school bus | school year |
seat belt | security guard | shopping cart | short story | sight word |
silver medal | snow cone | social media | space shuttle | swimming pool |
Hyphenated: | ||||
self-confidence | self-esteem | short-term | sign-up | step-by-step |
Letter T Compound Words
Closed: | ||||
tablespoon | tailbone | tailgate | teacup | teamwork |
teardrop | teaspoon | textbook | toenail | toolbox |
toothbrush | toothpaste | touchdown | townhall | thunderstorm |
Open: | ||||
table tennis | taco salad | talent show | tea party | team spirit |
tennis court | test drive | theater ticket | theme park | time machine |
traffic jam | training wheels | tree house |
Hyphenated: | ||||
take-off | take-out | t-shirt | tie-break | time-out |
time-sensitive | touch-and-go | tried-and-true |
Letter U Compound Words
Closed: | ||||
underarm | underdog | underground | underwater | underweight |
underway | upkeep | uplift | upload | upstairs |
upset |
Open: | |
used car | utility pole |
Hyphenated: | ||
up-and-coming | up-to-date | user-friendly |
Letter V Compound Words
Closed: | ||||
videotape | viewpoint | vineyard | voicemail | voiceover |
Open: | ||||
vacuum cleaner | vanilla bean | vanilla extract | vegetable oil | vegetable soup |
video camera | video game | vocal cords |
Letter W Compound Words
Closed: | ||||
walkway | wallpaper | warmhearted | washcloth | washroom |
watchdog | waterfall | waterproof | website | windmill |
Open: | ||||
waiting room | walking stick | washing machine | water bottle | water fountain |
water park | weather report | wedding cake | world map |
Hyphenated: | ||||
warm-blooded | well-being | well-done | well-educated | well-known |
well-read | word-of-mouth | work-in-progress | world-famous | world-wide |
worn-out |
Letter X Compound Words
Hyphenated: | x-ray |
Letter Y Compound Words
Closed: | ||||
yardstick | yardwork | yearbook | yearlong | yellowcake |
yellowfin | yourself |
Open: | |||
yacht club | yard sale | young adult | youth center |
Hyphenated: | |
year-round | young-at-heart |
Letter Z Compound Words
Closed: | |
zigzag | zookeeper |
Open: | ||||
zebra fish | zen garden | zero gravity | zinc oxide | zip code |
Compound Word Activities for Preschoolers and Kindergarteners
Reinforce your child’s understanding of compound words with these hands-on activities that further explore the concept of compound words.
⭐ Compound Word Match-Up:
Create a fun matching game by writing the shorter words that form compound words onto individual notecards or sticky notes. For example, write words such as cup, cake, butter, and fly on separate notecards. Then have your child match the cards up to form as many different compound words as they can, like cupcake and butterfly.
⭐ Compound Word Pictionary:
Turn learning compound words into a creative drawing game! Choose a compound word, and have your child draw pictures of the two smaller words that make up the compound word. For example, if the word is sunflower, your child can draw the sun and a flower.
⭐ Compound Word Art:
Write a list of common compound words that can easily be illustrated, such as rainstorm, butterfly, sailboat, and treehouse. Encourage your child to break the word apart and illustrate what the smaller words mean separately and what they mean when put together.
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